Sabine O’Laughlin ( Dr. Pivot ) is what she would consider herself to be an innovative practical spiritual teacher on the world stage.

What does that mean? She has extensive training and experience in numerous areas of both Western and Eastern thoughts and methods. She is a licensed MD with active licenses in Florida, Oregon, Washington State, and Colorado. She is a scientist by training (Pathology) who got her MD degree from the University of Hamburg ~ Germany and London ~ United Kingdom.

She received her Pathology training at Yale University, Connecticut and Mayo Clinic, Minnesota and is a practicing pathologist in Florida. Her interest in death and disease fostered an equal interest in Life and Health. Additionally she studied to be a Acupuncturist at a 5 Element Acupuncture Academy,, Bioenergetics and is a Licensed Bioenergetic Therapist, Family Constellation and is a Senior Family Constellation Facilitator in the United States, Ordained teacher of the Diamond Approach by the Ridhwan Foundation.

This makes her uniquely qualified to tap into the individual’s health matrix , help identify blocks , issues and patterns and facilitate a pivot and a path towards health - Healthcare in its true sense - not Disease care.

“If you do not make time for health you will have to make time for disease” and action is key since “you cannot get wet by reading about the ocean” (at least most people can’t).

Often the key to success and health is WHEN to do WHAT - and WHEN NOT.